Electronic School Book (BSE) History of Islamic Culture Class (SKI) VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). This application was created to make it easier for students to learn SKI anywhere and anytime.This BSE is a free student book prepared by the Government in order to implement KMA Number 183 concerning Islamic Education and Arabic Curriculum in Madrasas. This book was prepared and reviewed by various parties under the coordination of the Ministry of Religion, and is used in the learning process. The material is sourced from kemenag.go.id and the application only helps provide this learning resource but we do not represent the Ministry of Religion.The features available in this application are:1. Links between chapters and sub-chapters2. Responsive display that can be enlarged.3. Page Search.4. Minimalist landscape display.5. Zoom In and Zoom Out.The material discussed is based on the History of Islamic Culture (SKI) material for Class 8 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)Chapter 1 The Abbasid Daula Building Islamic CivilizationChapter 2 Intellectual Success of Scientists and Islamic Scholars of the Abbasid DaulahChapter 3 Progress of Islamic Civilization During the Ayyubid StateChapter 4 Great Leaders and the Progress of Islamic Scientists in the Ayyubid DaulahChapter 5 The Mamluk Daulah Continued the Advancement of Islamic Culture